Summary of the Book of Numbers
The book of numbers is largely Narrative History as far as its genre.
Key personalities include Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Joshua, Caleb, Eleazar, Korah, and Balaam.
The purpose of the book of Numbers is to tell about how Israel prepared to enter the promise land, but sinned and was punished.
Moses takes two different population censuses, hence the name Numbers.
Chapters 1-9 – the Israelites are preparing for their journey and entry into the promise land.
Moses begins by taking a census of all the tribes, primarily to see how many men are available and in shape for military service.
Next, Moses dedicates the Levites and instructs the Nazirite vows and laws.
During this time, the Israelites celebrate the 2nd Passover one year after their exit from bondage.
Chapters 10-12 – the Israelites travel from the wilderness in Sinai to approach the promise land.
The people complain about their food, God gives them quail, and because of their greed, He also sends them a plague.
Miriam and Aaron learn a lesson about whom God places in leadership.
Chapters 13-19 – we see severe punishment for disobedience and unfaithfulness to God.
Moses sends out 12 spies to perform reconnaissance on the promise land. The 12 spies return and only two of them bring good news.
The people fear the occupants and rebel against taking the land. For this God punishes them and sends them into the wilderness for forty years to roam.
Chapters 20-36 – the new generation of Israelites again attempt to enter the land to take it as God promised. This time they easily destroy two nations that confront them as they are entering.
Balak uses his prophet Balaam to learn to seduce the Israelites to worship Baal. Because of this disobedience, about 24,000 people die, including Balaam.
Before the book of Numbers ends, Moses again conducts a census, and Joshua assumes the leadership of Israel in place of Moses who is banned from the promise land, due to his disobedience.