Luke – PB


LukeLuke was a physician and traveling companion of Paul. Luke is mentioned in three of Paul’s books as “Luke the beloved physician.” Luke wrote the third Gospel, which is often called the Gospel of Luke or the book of Luke.

He also wrote the book of Acts (3rd and 5th books of the New Testament).

Luke joined Paul on his second missionary journey in Troas. During Paul’s third journey, Luke joined him in Philippi (Acts 20:6) and went with him to Jerusalem (Acts 20:16).

Luke had a good education and was skillful at writing. He was well-traveled and well-versed in navigation (Acts 27).

Whereas Matthew shows Jesus to be the Jewish Messiah, and Mark shows Jesus to be the Servant of God, Luke depicts Jesus as the perfect God-Man whose genealogy can be traced back to Adam (3:23-38).

Jesus is the greatest man in history, because of what He taught, what He did, why He died, and because He rose again from the dead. For this reason we ought to accept Him as our Lord.

Luke’s book of Acts is a continuation of the Gospel where Luke intends to show what Jesus began on earth and what He continues to do in the life of the church.

The book focuses on the Apostle Peter and the early persecution of the believers, and then shifts to the Apostle Paul and his missionary activity. It ends with Paul’s trip to Rome.

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