Book of Job

Job 1 Mesopotamia
Ancient Mesopotamia One of the Nimrud ivories shows a lion eating a man. Neo-Assyrian period, 9th to 7th centuries B.C.

Apologist William Lane Craig observe “No logical inconsistency has ever been demonstrated between the two statements ‘God exists’ and ‘evil exists.’”

In fact, the presence of evil actually demonstrates God’s existence because without God there would be no moral foundation for calling anything evil.

He’s right. Nevertheless, the question of evil still vexes us, and it is difficult to explain the presence of suffering in the world.

All of us occasionally ask the question “Why?” The book of Job addresses this issue head-on.

As the book opens we learn about human suffering, but by its conclusion we also learn a great deal about God’s sovereignty.

The outline of Job is easy to follow.

  • The first two chapters are Prologue, in which we’re introduced to Job and his disasters.
  • Chapters 3-27 are Dialogues, in which his friends reasoned with him about his suffering and suggested he had committed secret but serious sins.
  • Chapters 28-42 are a set of Monologues, mainly by Job and God.
Job 2 Babylon
Panel: Striding lion, 604-562 B.C.E. Neo-Babylonian period, reign of Nebuchadnezzar II Mesopotamia Excavated at Wall of Processional Way, Babylon.

And the final paragraphs of the book comprise an Epilogue, in which Job’s problems are resolved and his wisdom deepened.

Righteous people like Job do sometimes suffer, and the devil himself is often behind our troubles. But God can be trusted, and we must learn to walk by faith rather than sight.

If you’re facing difficulty today, remember the statements of Job – words of sheer but splendid faith:

“Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him” (Job 13:15).

Key Thought:

Those who turn fully to God in sorrow – even if they argue, plead, and protest in His presence as Job did – will find a pathway to the tender mercies of heaven.Job 3 Trust God

Key Verse:

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” (19:25).

Key Action:

We must trust God even when it appears He is slaying us.

“Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him” (Job 13:15).

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