Book of 3 John

3 Jn 1 Ancient Damascus
Damascus is where Paul was going to persecute Christians when Jesus spoke to him (Acts 9). Today it is the capital and the second-largest city of Syria after Aleppo prior to the civil war. It is now most likely the largest city of Syria, due to the decline of Aleppo because of the ongoing battle for the city. It is commonly known in Syria as ash-Sham and nicknamed as the City of Jasmine.

Dr. A. W. Tozer pointed out that a hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork will automatically be tuned to each other.

In the same way when each of God’s workers is tuned to Christ we’ll be in harmony with one another. But beware the discordant note.

One of the joys of being a pastor, as I’ve been for many years, is watching how harmoniously God’s people labor side-by-side for His kingdom.

One of my sorrows is seeing how one person with a personal agenda, jealous spirit, or harsh personality, can disrupt the work.

The apostle John faced the same thing as he wrote 3 John. He expressed gratitude for those working alongside his friend Gaius, and he encouraged them to show continued hospitality toward traveling workers.

But John expressed dismay at one man,

Diotrephes, who loved attention, sowed discord, and turned away John’s emissaries.

This short letter, small enough to be written on a single parchment, tells us that those who selflessly support the Lord’s work are to be commended, but those serving Satan’s agenda, particularly if they infiltrate the church, must be confronted.

3 Jn 2 Damascus today
In addition to being one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, Damascus is a major cultural and religious center of the Levant. The city has an estimated population of 1,711,000 as of 2009. Doesn’t look bad here from a distance, and even up close, but then again…

God wants you to be a Gaius, not a Diotrephes. Maybe He doesn’t intend for you to preach before an entire congregation, but He wants you to support those who do.

We each have a place in God’s work; and as we labor in harmony and mutual support, we’re walking in truth, and that brings joy to the whole church.

Key Thought:

Those who selflessly support the Lord’s cause are to be commended; those who don’t must be confronted.

Key Verses:

“For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth.

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 Jn 1:3-4).

3 Jn 3 Motel
One of the rare periods the Barada river is high, seen here next to the Four Seasons hotel in downtown Damascus

Key Action:

Diligently encourage God’s work and show hospitality to His workers.












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