Book of 1st Kings | David’s Strength Declines – 1015 B.C. & Solomon | David’s Charge to Solomon & Ancient Electricity | Solomon Marries Pharaoh’s Daughter & Solomon and the Israelite Empire |
The Princes of Israel in Solomon’s Reign & King Solomon | The Ark Brought In & Solomon’s Temple | Solomon and Queen Sheba & Earthquake Proofing the Temple | Solomon’s Heart Turned Away from God & Rare Earthquake Warning Issued for Oklahoma |
Accession and Folly of Rehoboam & The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah | Disobedience and the Death of the Man of God & Conflicts and Invasions | Prophecy Against Jeroboam: Partial Fulfillment & The Armeans and the Kingdom of Aram- Damascus | Accession of Abijam and Asa & The House of Omri |
Prophecy Against Baasha & Comparative Size of Temples | Ministry of Elijah & Elijah | Elisha and The Call of Elijah & The Ministries of Elijah | Ahab Covets & God Knows the Beginning to the End |